Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lifetips 101 Entrepreneur Tips by Susan Payton

1 - How did you get interested in the topic that’s featured in your book?
My book is for entrepreneurs. I’ve always been one, and as I make mistakes and see what works, I want to help others in their success.

2 - Tell us a bit about your background. What have you done in the past that relates to your book and that topic?
I have had several entrepreneurial endeavors: I sold athletic shoes on eBay, designed gift baskets, and now run Egg Marketing & Public Relations.

3 - What advise would you give to someone who is interested in your topic?
Research. Read as much as you can about running a business. Thousands of people have gone before you (and many failed), so learn from what they have already done.

4 - What do you see as the benefit to participating in groups and organizations? My first thought would be networking opportunities and the chance for personal and business growth. What are your reasons?
Networking is a major part of my marketing company’s growth. It’s about developing relationships, not getting sales. You instantly create a support group by regularly attending networking events, and when the need arises for your product, you’re the first one on their mind. Also, when you need something, you’re more likely to seek it within that group.

5 - Who is the ideal person to read your book? If each person that reads this was going to recommend your book to one person, what sort of person would they want to chose?Someone just starting out as an entrepreneur would be the ideal person to read this book. A good referral would be someone who wants to start a business but doesn’t really know what it will entail. It’s an eye opener that I believe every entrepreneur should be aware of before they invest money.

6 - What do you think ignites a person’s creativity?
Doing what you love ignites creativity. When you’re stifled and hate what you do, you can never be creative.

7 - What have you found to be the biggest stumbling block for people who want to start writing?
Being afraid to begin. If you build it up into something big, it can seem daunting to put down that first word. But once you do, the rest just flows.

8 - How would you suggest they can overcome that?
Start writing at the beginning of the day so you don’t dread it and create the snowball effect.

9 - What do you find is the biggest motivator for people to succeed? Is it money, security, desire for fame or something else?Motivation is different for different people. A colleague just told me about a book that lists physical, mental, monetary and spiritual types of motivation. For me, it’s knowing I’ve done my best, and in all honesty, money is high on the list too!

10 - Who is the “perfect” person to read your book?
A new or seasoned entrepreneur.

11 - Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
If you have questions after reading my book, I am more than happy to answer them. Just send me an email!

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