Intuitive Cooking
Voice of the Angels Cookbook – Talk To Your Food! Intuitive Cooking by Dyan Garris
1 - How did you get interested in this topic?
The intuitive cookbook is one component of the spiritual toolbox I’ve been building. It’s an exercise in integrating mind, body, and spirit. Integration is a necessary step in manifesting.
2 - Tell us a bit about your background. What have you done in the past that relates to the topic?
I’m a spiritual counselor, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. In the toolbox are music and meditation CDs for relaxation, stress release, chakra balance, and help in sleeping, a deck of angel cards, a journal for use with the CDs, a journal for use with the angel cards, The Book of Daily Channeled Messages, and a mini book about entitlement. A free angel card reading is available at www.voiceoftheangels.com, as well as a free spiritual forum, free spiritual advice column, “Dear Dyan,” and free daily channeled message.
3 - What advice would you give to someone who is interested in your topic?
If you feel stuck and want to make some changes follow your intuition and it will lead you to exactly what you need to implement those changes.
4 - What do you see as the benefit to participating in groups and organizations that discuss this topic? My first thought would be networking opportunities and the chance for personal or business growth. What are your reasons?
I’m not sure that many people are discussing intuitive cooking yet. However, if we begin to look at food from a different perspective than we currently do, discussions could get very interesting. Just as our relationship with money has become distorted, so has our relationship with food. The energy of these things resides in the root chakra. The root chakra is where many people have blocks to being able to manifest.
5 – What products do you offer would help a person who is interested in this topic?
I have an entire toolbox of spiritual tools for anyone who is interested in learning to integrate mind, body, and spirit, and clearing energy blocks that prevent them from moving forward on the path.
6 - Who is the ideal person for these products? If each person that reads this was going to recommend these products to one person, what sort of person would they want to chose?
My products are for anyone who wants spiritual growth, positive change, and transformation. They are for anyone who feels stuck or lost. I’ve tried to make everything easy and enjoyable.
7 - What have you found to be the biggest stumbling block for people who want to learn more about this topic?
Fear is a huge stumbling block as well as ingrained belief systems and patterns that were learned in childhood.
8 - How would you suggest they can overcome that?
Anyone can overcome fear by simply being open to change and new perspectives. There is nothing to fear.
9 - What do you find is the biggest motivator to learn more about this topic?
The biggest motivator for anything is the willingness to change.
10 - Who is the “perfect” person to delve into this information?
Anyone who loves to cook and be creative is the perfect person for this information.
11 - Is there anything else you would like to share with us? Those questions are only slightly different from what I had and I'm going to add them as an alternative way to post for this blog :)
If we look at a completely messy room as a whole, it may seem to be a daunting task to straighten it up. However, if we clean one small area at a time, pretty soon we have the whole thing cleared up. Change and transformation do not have to be intimidating. Change can even be fun. Start small.
Each person who posts a comment on any or all of the blog tour spots will be entered in a random
drawing for a copy of Dyan Garris’ CD – Release. In addition – the blog owner that hosted the winning commenter will also win a free copy of Release. Share your thoughts and comments with Dyan. She will check in throughout the day to answer questions. You’ll learn more and you have a chance to win a CD.
Dyan is offering a FREE teleclass for anyone who has read Money and Manifesting - if you haven't already read the book, visit Dyan's website to order a copy - www.voiceoftheangels.com. For full details about the class, visit this page http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/05/begin-your-personal-healing-journey.html
For more information about Dyan Garris and her virtual tour, check the schedule at http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/04/dyan-garris-may-schedule.html and http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/04/dyan-garris-may-blog-tour.html.
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